


的 full House 和 Senate are scheduled to hold a reconvened session on Wednesday, with opening gavels at noon. Conversation has varied as to what the legislature will take up, but a focus on water contamination, in response to the GenX争议,是可能的. (见下文).)其他对话话题 orbiting the session, as reported in 近期新闻,包括 appointments, constitutional amendments 和 judicial changes, but specific agendas have not been published as of the time of this writing. 立法 leaders may schedule additional sessions beyond Wednesday's if they see fit before their regular "short" session begins in May.
​At a meeting held less than a week before the full 立法机构预定的回归, 众议院小组委员会 周四 先进的 一个提议 关于新兴水 污染物. 的 draft bill came as part of state leaders’ ongoing response to GenX争议. GenX is a chemical substance used in the manufacture of Teflon, 和 it has been found in water wells both downstream 和 upstream 从 the Chemours plant in Cumberl和 County, including public water supplies in the 威尔明顿地区. With the committee’s vote, the proposal may be considered by the full House when it reconvenes for session on Wednesday. 

Much of the legislative discussion 和 public comment at Thursday's meeting focused 在 merits of funding additional scientific equipment 和 personnel in state agencies, though the bill draft did not contain 一个拨款. Instead, it directed numerous studies by state agencies 和 universities, with 报告 back to legislators in April. 在他的开场白中, 高级委员会主席 代表. 泰德•戴维斯 认识到有必要 consider appropriating further funding to investigating 污染物 like GenX 和 others, which have not received extensive scientific study despite preliminary linkages to adverse human health effects. 戴维斯说他 foresaw a conversation about 一个拨款 at some point in the coming 个月. 欲了解更多,请阅读 这份WRAL报告 在 委员会会议. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

​One of the legislature's most roundly supported bills of 2017, responding to a major issue for cities 和 towns across the nation, went into effect with the 新年伊始. HB 243 Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (停止)法案 includes, among other things, a requirement on prescribers 和 pharmacies to check the prescription database before prescribing opioids 和 allows local governments to support needle-exchange programs. 阿片类药物滥用 crisis has been the center of attention for all levels of government as deaths hit alarming rates 和 was a big focus of the National League of Cities' 近期城市高峰会 在夏洛特. 这场危机的影响 和 other behavioral 和 mental health challenges as they affect municipalities 也 a major focus of League President Michael ·兰 in his acceptance speech back in September. 将近四个人 die daily 从 opioid overdose -- soaring rate, 从 below 200 in 1999 to nearly 根据a的数据,2016年有1400人 新闻稿 从 州长办公室. 代表. 格雷格•墨菲, 泰德 戴维斯, 克里斯·马龙克雷格 角 were chief sponsors of the bill, which enjoyed bipartisan support 从 国会议员和州长. 罗伊•库珀 和 Attorney General Josh Stein.

​All 50 states in addition to Washington, D.C.,美国.S. 维尔京群岛和 波多黎各选择加入 FirstNet -- the first nationwide broadb和 network built specifically for public safety agencies -- by the 2017 year-end 的最后期限. 北卡罗莱纳 made the move to join in November (见 南方城市最近的一篇文章)在联邦 program geared for first responders to keep communication flowing during the kinds of disasters that could hamper or disable other communication channels. 的 League had a representative involved in the State Broadb和 Infrastructure Office's review team that assisted in the plan toward joining FirstNet, which according to the state could cover nearly all of 北卡罗莱纳's population 在头五年内. AT&T will team with FirstNet to build 和 run 网络是 100%由联邦政府资助. 成员都是 not required to use the service or specifically use AT&T的FirstNet系统 as there may be other offerings. FirstNet的网站 提供全面的 信息.

​Winter Storm Grayson pushed 北卡罗莱纳 well below freezing 和 complicated travel with ice 和 snow this week in the eastern part of the state, with emergency management officials warning that black ice 和 other cold conditions 会持续到周末吗. At least four deaths 从 vehicle mishaps were attributed to the storm as of Thursday, according to 新闻 报告. 的 State Highway Patrol alone had responded to more than 1,300 calls at the time, including 900 collisions, according to the governor's office. 的 numbers do not reflect the many other calls that county 和 municipal responders 处理. “Our transportation crews, state troopers 和 other first responders are doing a great job, but you can make their jobs easier by staying off the roads unless absolutely necessary," said Gov. 罗伊•库珀.