


经过两周的休息,立法领导人组织, 联合国大会于周三正式恢复工作. 当天只举行了简短的会议,但议员们当天提交了28项法案. 最初的立法很少对市政当局产生直接影响. HB4澄清无人机系统法 对早先影响无人机使用的立法作出澄清. One of the early bills garnering the most attention would eliminate automatic payroll deductions that allow state employees to pay dues to the State Employees Association of North Carolina. 阅读更多关于立法会议重启的信息 在这里.

会议在立法会议开始前一天召开,为临时会议 联合立法运输监督委员会 周二,他没有就摩托车监管提出正式建议. 相反,委员会联合主席、共和党众议员. 约翰·托贝特预测,个别立法者将提出包含一些 联合国建议的规定.C. 运输部(NCDOT) 在星期二的会议上, 其中包括一项建议,要求所有轻便摩托车司机携带保险. 由于执法部门在应对涉及轻便摩托车的事故时所承受的压力, the League members prioritized moped registration and insurance requirements as one of their legislative goals last session. 作为回应, 立法者通过了一项法案 这迈出了要求机动车辆登记的第一步. That same bill also directed NCDOT to make further recommendations for moped regulation for the 2015 legislative session. NCDOT的其他一些建议包括:

  • 禁止轻便摩托车在时速超过45英里的道路上行驶
  • 要求轻便摩托车司机持有驾驶执照或国家颁发的身份证
  • A prohibition on operating mopeds if the operator was denied a driver's license due to medical reasons, 或者国家以其他方式吊销或暂停该驾驶执照
  • 要求为轻便摩托车登记并提供保险证明

摩托车保险的要求在参议院上一届会议上获得了批准,但遇到了 众议院议员的反对,促使NCDOT在周二公布了这项研究. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

Burlington was the scene of the League's second in a series of regional meetings on the future of municipal finance, a meeting once again offering insights into the financial plight of North Carolina municipalities in an uncertain world. 会议系列, 前进之路:充满活力的城市的今天和明天,继续吸引媒体的关注,包括 这个故事 来自伯灵顿时报新闻. 这个专栏 365足彩下载主席罗尼·沃尔的讲话也发表在格林斯博罗新闻报上 & 记录.

A panel of municipal officials from the region provided numerous storylines about the challenges faced by their individual municipalities. 埃尔金镇经理劳埃德·佩恩对此进行了讨论, 当埃尔金看到一家纺织厂倒闭时, 它不仅失去了工作岗位和纳税居民, but saw its property tax base shrink when the shuttered mill building was re-evaluated for tax purposes. 他说,居民继续要求相同水平的服务. 同样的道理, Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan called loose leaf pick-up "the third rail" of politics in Greensboro, 将其作为该市居民所期望的服务的一个例子. Roxboro Mayor Merilyn Newell noted that her city must constantly weigh whether additional investments in a 65-year old water treatment plant are wise for a facility that may not be viable in the future.

All of the panelists called for legislators and state policymakers to give municipalities financial options that empower their municipal boards and let them take on the political consequences for those decisions. Morrisville Town Manager Martha Wheelock said a key concern going into a new legislative session are policy prescriptions that pit cities against counties, 城市和农村的对比.

在小组讨论之前, 克里斯·尼达, 365足彩下载研究和政策分析主任, 就国家税收政策作了广泛的演讲, 地方收入分成, 人口趋势, 与其他州在税收和服务方面的比较, 以及导致特权许可证税即将废除的立法历史. Among the points made in the presentation: Municipalities receive only 36 percent of local sales tax distributions while 75 percent of sales occur within municipalities; low income tax states like Texas generally have much higher property taxes than North Carolina. 

365足彩下载感谢各位嘉宾的参与, 感谢沃尔校长致开幕词, 第二副总统鲍勃·马西尼主持了小组讨论, 所有出席的人. Your participation in these events is critical to help the public understand the role of municipalities in providing services to residents and in promoting economic growth. 我们还要感谢 代表. 格林斯博罗的拉尔夫·约翰逊 参加, 以及伯灵顿市——尤其是市政职员蕾妮·沃德——感谢你主办了这次活动. 我们下次会议的地点将在几周后公布. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

代表. 威廉·布劳利 马修斯和 杰森Saine 林肯将担任众议院财政委员会的高级主席. Their appointments to lead the key House committee were among the House committee assignments announced this week by 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔. 在书面声明中, 议长摩尔说,他经过“严格审查”为37个委员会和小组委员会做出了选择." 代表. 保罗蒂娜 小鹰号, 他最近从民主党转投无党派, 被任命为交通拨款小组委员会的联合主席. 查找所有众议院委员会的分配 在这里.
2015年全国人大会议正式开始, 包括民盟在内的一个365足彩下载本周举行了旨在推广替代方案的活动, 可持续的交通资金来源. 繁荣未来365足彩下载, 由NC商会领导, met on Tuesday and followed up with a news conference on Wednesday to tout ideas for new transportation funding streams. NC Chamber President Lew Ebert said the time has come for state leaders to find a solution to a system of road-building finance that cannot be sustained. 365足彩下载成员和政策专家特别担心该州的汽油税, 哪些资金是交通需求最大的, cannot keep pace with those needs as cars become more fuel efficient and more of them run on alternative sources of energy. 了解更多关于365足彩下载的努力 在这里.

Google announced this week that Charlotte and the Raleigh-Durham metropolitan area will be among those w在这里 the company rolls out high-speed fiber optic cable. 谷歌服务, 提供比普通宽带连接快100倍的速度, 目前在全国三个大都市地区开展业务. 预计推出将在很长一段时间内进行. 除了罗利和达勒姆, 其他将提供这项服务的三角地区城市是教堂山, 卡里, Carrboro, 莫里斯维尔和加纳. 阅读公告的新闻报道 在这里.

在宽带领域的其他地方,来自全国各地的38名市政官员签署了协议 一个字母 urging the Federal Communications Commission to support local choice when it comes to how municipalities bring high-speed broadband to their residents and businesses. 这封信是在联邦通信委员会考虑威尔逊市和田纳西州查塔努加市的请愿书时发出的.敦促委员会先发制人,阻止州法律限制市政拥有的宽带系统. 预计下个月将对这些请愿书作出裁决. 这封信的签名者包括威尔逊市长布鲁斯·罗斯和索尔兹伯里市长小保罗·伍德森. 365足彩下载提起诉讼 公开评论 以支持威尔逊的请愿. 这封信被送到了联邦通信委员会 因为它改变了宽带服务的定义此举预计将扩大被认为“未得到服务”的地区.阅读更多365足彩下载对联邦通信委员会请愿书的报道 在这里.

Legislators are indicating that they want more details before backing 政府ernor Pat McCrory's plan for a $1 billion transportation bond. The plan, 虽然, is a hot topic in the 立法 Building, and one that legislators are mulling. 新闻报道 表明立法者对该提案的担忧涵盖了一系列问题. 一些立法者担心州政府是否能够承担额外的债务, 尽管立法机关在过去几年里一直对借款持谨慎态度. Debate may also ensue over whether to put the issue before voters in a bond referendum or to turn to special indebtedness like certificates of participation to avoid a vote and move more quickly.

团员们分别批准了三个 立法倡导目标 calling for bonds or other means of financing transportation and infrastructure improvements in ways that benefit municipalities. 阅读365足彩下载之前关于州长呼吁建立运输债券的报道 在这里.

州长帕特·麦克罗里将于下周发表两年一次的国情咨文. 麦克罗里州长将于周三晚7点在州参众两院联席会议上发表讲话.m. 立法会大楼内, 有人猜测,这位州长可能会公布部分经济发展计划, 他称之为 数控竞争. 州长上周表示,他将很快公布该计划, which he hopes will allow North Carolina to better compete with other Southeastern states for larger manufacturing plants.

在哥伦比亚特区, Airbnb has worked out a deal w在这里 it is collecting local hotel taxes on the short-term homeowner rentals that it is arranging. The move comes as municipalities in North Carolina and other states continue to grapple with regulation of Airbnb and similar web-based companies that allow homeowners to turn their homes or rooms in their homes into temporary or makeshift hotels. The Washington Post's Wonkblog reports that the deal will mean the taxes are remitted straight to the district's coffers and could mean millions in additional revenue for cities that are reaching similar agreements. 服务, 虽然, is still generating plenty of questions about whether it potentially undermines zoning requirements and could damage property values in residential neighborhoods. 阅读更多关于Airbnb和它的安排.C. 在这里

当地的政党官员已经选择了即将离任的国会议员的继任者. Earline Parmon和众议员. 埃德加Starnes. 福赛斯县民主党人选择了Rev. 小保罗·洛威. 来取代参议员帕蒙, while Caldwell County 代表ublicans chose Cedar Rock Mayor George Robinson to replace 代表resentative Starnes. 罗宾逊市长曾在上世纪80年代和90年代初在州议会任职. 政府. 帕特·麦克罗里必须预约,才能敲定他们. 365足彩下载祝贺新的立法委员,并祝愿他们在新的角色中一切顺利.