


事情发生的经过: 不出所料,这周立法机关的工作相当清淡, 在2019年漫长会议的最初几天,领导层保持了平静的步伐. The Senate saw 24 new bills filed; the House, 26. 
这意味着什么?当前位置最近的一些建议引起了城镇的兴趣. 它们在本公告中进行了描述,然后是 我们易于使用的账单追踪器.  随着委员会的热情高涨, 票据交易将加速, 接下来是各州预算计划的推出. 政府. 罗伊·库珀的国情咨文, 他将在会上讨论他的预算重点, 定于二月. 25. 
利用: 离我们近一点是我们的乐趣和效率 小镇 & 国宴2月11日,该市和立法官员齐聚一堂. 20美元,一个亲密的晚餐, conversation and guest speakers following informative afternoon sessions on hot topics for our members.  
瘦子: 这个小镇 & 国宴是倡导和伙伴关系, and it's the best organized way for the leaders of our cities and towns to convey priorities and teamwork-spirit to their delegation in the General Assembly. 登记截止日期是周一. 更多细节将在本公报中介绍.

在向 拨款策略委员会N.C. 运输委员会 周三, the League focused on the considerations city officials are making now to ensure that transportation systems several decades in the future meet the needs of North Carolinians. Because city officials must work so closely with state transportation staff and leaders, 这两个群体的优先事项都从一致中受益. The League urged the state policymakers on this committee to broaden their thinking about what constituted a transportation system to include modes of travel beyond cars and trucks. The League also focused on broadband connectivity and data security as two unavoidable components of future transportation systems. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

Infrastructure was the word 的 day as League 执行董事 Paul Meyer and President Michael Lazzara, 杰克逊维尔市的临时市长, 参观了国会山 与国会讨论日益紧迫的需求. 这次旅行是一项365体育足彩活动的一部分 由全国城市365足彩下载安排 将市政领导与联邦决策者联系起来. 基础设施建设是全国人大今年的首要立法重点. During the visit, Meyer and Lazzara met with federal officials and members of Congress, 包括北卡罗来纳州的众议员. 大卫的价格推动建设更好的、重新构想的基础设施. 而交通, 健康的供水和下水道系统等是持续关注的焦点, 迈耶和拉扎拉还强调了对充足宽带服务的需求, 已 进入了基本基础设施的定义. Municipal leaders from elsewhere in the country emphasized the same, according to NLC.

作为地方领导人, we see firsthand what policies work and the solutions our residents need from all levels of government," NLC前任主席马特·Zone, 克利夫兰市议员, 俄亥俄州, 在新闻发布会上说. “我们需要共同努力,应对我们国家最严峻的挑战, 包括重建我们国家的基础设施. Building strong federal-local partnerships can result in solutions for our residents that will strengthen local economies for generations to come." 

本周,议员们大多在幕后工作, 随着早期法案提交的缓慢步伐继续. 查找所有影响市政运营使用的账单的详细信息 365足彩下载的在线账单跟踪服务. 本周各城市值得注意的法案包括:
HOUSING: Legislators added another local bill to allow a local government to provide affordable housing units to employees of that local government. 本周的文件, HB 31允许达勒姆酒吧. 学校提供房屋, 向达勒姆公立学校董事会提出申请, 而上周的法案涉及伯蒂县的地方政府. These bills fall in line with a top priority of city officials this session to advance bills that create additional affordable housing options.

SEXUAL ASSAULT EXAMINATION KIT TESTING: A bill backed by Attorney General Josh Stein and legislative leaders in both parties, HB 29《2019年为强奸受害者挺身而出法, laid out a process by which law enforcement agencies must facilitate testing of all new and older untested sexual assault examination kits. 作为这个过程的一部分, the proposal directed any law enforcement agency that possessed kits completed before January 1, 2018, to establish a review team that would determine within three months the testing priority for all untested kits. The bill also provided for the development of law enforcement agency training in these new kit testing procedures, 它还拨出资金来支付测试费用.
PUBLIC SAFETY WORKER PROTECTION: Senators continued a trend from recent legislative sessions of enhancing the enforcement tools against actions that harm public safety officers or place them in danger with SB 20紧急工人保护法. This proposal increased the penalties for various felonies and misdemeanors if they were committed against emergency workers.
EMINENT DOMAIN: Members 的 Senate filed a companion bill to a House proposal filed last week that would place on the ballot a state constitutional amendment that would prevent condemnation of property except for a public use. 阅读更多关于该提案的内容 上周简报.

现在是时候了 注册 最好的市政立法网络活动. 在晚上11点59分前报名.m. 2月. 预订2019 小镇的座位 & 国宴, a prized gathering that will bring local officials and lawmakers together to build relationships and discuss teamwork. 晚宴定于2月11日举行,届时将有特邀嘉宾发表演讲. 罗利有20个,座位很快就满了. 市政官员们注意了:一定要亲自邀请你们的立法委员. Last year's dinner was a resounding success for bringing city and town leaders together with their delegation and creating opportunities for new relationships. 晚饭前, 为与会者提供信息的下午会议将涵盖经济适用房, 宽频上网及最新立法事宜. 不要再等待了; 现在注册 2019年的小镇 & 国宴.​​

The groundbreaking that just took place in downtown Albemarle could create such a strong ripple that Mayor Ronnie Michael already has a name for it: "the Pfeiffer Effect." Pfeiffer University is building downtown a $16 million health science building expected to bring a new level of energy and economic potential to the local scene. The story, which links that progress to the efforts and collaborations of local government, 在这里我们成长, the League's economic development storytelling website brought to you in partnership with WRAL TechWire. Techwire已经 在自己的网站上增加了一个功能 突出了市政当局在“我们在这里成长”上分享的故事. 
The TechWire partnership affords participants of 我们在这里成长 -- free to all League members -- a massive, statewide audience and a chance to rep your municipality's hard work in a way that is unmatched. 具体来说,我们在这里成长 herewegrownc.org, is where your town can tell us of its economic development successes -- from big-kahuna recruitments and groundbreakings to plans and investments that set the stage for local growth. Cities and towns across North Carolina are doing all sorts of innovative things to bring jobs and boost business. 把这个词传播到你所在的地区以外. 让我们知道你们镇上正在发生的工作. 
我还没注册"我们在这里成长? 很容易. 会员可透过电邮 about@herewegrownc.org 请求登录. 你会收到如何进行的指示. If you're in need of inspiration or ideas of how other towns are telling their stories, 浏览丰富的档案 http://herewegrownc.org/local-stories


一项修复被飓风佛罗伦萨破坏的房屋的计划有了新的进展, 延长报名截止日期. 根据… 新闻稿从州长办公室来的, Sunday will be the last day for eligible homeowners to fill out the forms required for the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) program for partial home repairs done at no cost to the homeowner. “让人们回到安全的地方, livable homes in their own communities is key to recovering from Hurricane Florence and the STEP program can help,州长说。. 罗伊•库珀. 点击这里获取完整信息.