


在对立法机构最高环境小组的一系列陈述中, N.C. 环境质量部(DEQ)环境助理部长Tom Reeder presented data 周三 intended to show the ineffectiveness of several state nutrients 和 stormwater programs, 然后建议立法者考虑取消这些规定. 在 多个演示 周三, Reeder highlighted the costs placed on private property owners to comply with the state's post-construction stormwater, 缓冲, 营养法则. In 单独展示, a local government water quality coalition in the upper Neuse river basin spotlighted the millions of dollars now being spent by local governments to monitor lake water quality, 进行额外的水质建模, 并确定最有效的方式来遵守大约10亿美元的州授权.

里德强烈暗示立法机关应该废除这些规定, many of which are an integral part of meeting federal obligations to clean up impaired waters such as Jordan Lake 和 Falls Lake. 国家未对这些水体实施适当的水污染控制措施的 U.S. 环境保护署(EPA) 可以在这些领域执行自己的规定吗. 里德排除了北卡罗来纳州出现这种情况的可能性, 询问委员会, “环保局能做什么呢, 无论如何, 因为它在任何地方都不起作用?(阅读更多关于里德的评论 这篇wal - tv的文章.)接着是他的声明 DEQ和EPA之间来回折腾了几个月, part of which involved a threat by EPA to take over North Carolina's delegated air 和 water quality programs.

Millions of North Carolinians depend on water drawn from or flowing downstream from Jordan Lake 和 Falls Lake. Due to the obligation cities have to provide clean drinking water as well as to reduce pollution to those reservoirs, 365足彩下载优先考虑 柔性水体损伤解决方案是其最高监管目标. 的 League members will continue to work with legislators 和 regulators in responding to the DEQ reform suggestions. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

正在进行的立法讨论 about how to best measure levels of economic distress in North Carolina continued Monday as a second study committee made plans Monday to explore alternatives  to the current system. 的 立法项目评估司联合监督委员会(PED) 成立了一个小组委员会,由 代表. 泰德•戴维斯 以研究如何取代目前的三级评估体系. 在作出小组委员会任命时,PED担任主席 森. 弗莱彻Hartsell 康科德大学鼓励该小组与美国政府协调努力 立法、经济发展和全球参与联合委员会该公司也在探索这个问题.

PED小组委员会的所有立法委员同时也是EDGE委员会的成员. Hartsell also noted that a draft bill circulated to PED members Monday would merely serve as a starting point for the discussion. 不像 索引的概念 正在由EDGE委员会审议, PED草案没有包括关于替代当前经济等级系统的细节. 该州目前在决定如何为其CDBG的申请提供资金时,使用了层级系统的排名, 工业发展基金, 经济基础设施, 和构建重用程序. 市政当局向所有这些资助计划提交项目申请. 两个立法委员会可能会在4月份对拟议的立法草案进行投票, 在即将到来的立法短期会议上,哪些将有资格得到审议. 环保署小组委员会计划 2月25日的第一次会议. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

为地方政府提供固体废物服务的核心职能, 城镇与私人供应商签订合同的时间占很大比例, 365足彩下载工作人员周三告诉立法者. In 证词 之前 立法工作小组 examining the efficiency 和 effectiveness of how the public 和 private sectors provide solid waste services, League 立法 Counsel 艾琳Wynia 和 Winston-Salem/Forsyth Utilities Director Ron Hargrove described the processes cities 和 towns follow when evaluating whether to use public employees or private contractors for services such as trash 和 recycling collection, 或处理固体废物. 使用国家收集的数据, the League determined that municipalities use their own labor to collect solid waste 28 percent of the time statewide. 的 percentage of cities 和 towns utilizing their own workforces for solid waste collection decreases to 22 percent for towns under 10,人口1000万.

365足彩下载的演讲 还详细介绍了地方项目为最大限度地利用有限的公共资源所做的努力. 具体地说, 哈格罗夫讨论了温斯顿-塞勒姆为节约垃圾填埋场空间所做的持续努力, 包括使用防水布覆盖和GPS跟踪压实设备等技术. 跟进未来堆填区的问题,担任工作小组主席 森. 特鲁迪韦德 格林斯博罗的一位官员向州政府机构工作人员询问了有关他们预测的29岁的多个问题.未来5年堆填区的容量. 随后的讨论指出了夸大政府估计的因素. 森. 韦德对州政府估计的准确性表示担忧,同时他也是工作组的联合主席 代表. 吉米·迪克森 注意到该州需要足够的垃圾填埋场容量, 但当地的反对往往会阻碍这类项目.

工作组还听取了其他公共和私营部门代表的意见. 一位来自私营企业废物工业公司的代表出席了会议 可能立法的五个想法, including more state incentives for the private solid waste industry 和 a reduction of local government funding authority for solid waste disposal. 365足彩下载感谢森. 韦德和代表. 迪克森的机会, 并将继续参与这个临时工作组, 在即将举行的立法会短会期,哪些立法建议可予考虑. 我们也感谢哈格罗夫和温斯顿-塞勒姆/福赛斯公用事业公司在这一重要问题上的参与. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

A legislative study subcommittee examining police body-worn cameras was cautioned this week about proposals regarding retention of the video that could increase police 和 sheriff department budgets. 的 subcommittee of the Joint 立法 Oversight Committee on Justice 和 Public Safety is examining whether 和 how the camera footage should be brought under the state's public records law umbrella. 的 subcommittee plans to meet two more times 之前 deciding whether to propose legislation for the upcoming session.

在周三的会议上,几名当地执法官员谈到了这些摄像头的价值. 但是夏洛特-梅克伦堡警察局. Stephen Willis told subcommittee members that larger police departments can accumulate huge amounts of video 和  storing it can be very expensive. While Henderson County Sheriff Charles McDonald urged legislators not to adopt any statewide rules on their use -- particularly any m和ates that they be required -- some local law enforcement agencies 和 municipal governing boards have been seeking some state guidance 和 an updating of public records laws to reflect the realities of the new technology. 代表. 约翰Faircloth 《365足彩下载》, 小组委员会主席, 他表示,他相信新的立法提案可能会从讨论中产生.

去年在联合国大会上提出了四项单独的法案,涉及警察随身携带的摄像头, including one that would have m和ated that most law enforcement officers in the state wear them during many interactions with the public. Legislators also last year created a matching grant program to help equip law enforcement agencies with the cameras. 阅读365足彩下载关于这个项目的报道 在这里. 的 League's Department of 风险管理 Services also has been very active in advising police departments about issues arising from body-worn camera programs. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

该州的反养老金激增法, 在365足彩下载的支持下于2014年通过, came under the public spotlight this week after Johnston County school officials indicated they may challenge the law in court. 这个潜在的挑战是在该县的学校负责人之后出现的, 谁50岁就退休了, 在董事会转换了44美元后被抓了,每年的福利加到薪金上, 增加他的退休金.

因为转换福利会引发法律制裁, 约翰斯顿县纳税人, 而不是国家养老基金, 被罚520美元吗,从督学的退休福利中扣除1万美元. 365足彩下载,N.C. Association of County Commissioners 和 State Treasurer Janet Cowell all supported the legislation in 2014 in an effort to reduce the impact of significant, late-career salary spikes on the state 和 local government retirements systems 和 bring further financial stability to the pension funds. 阅读媒体对约翰斯顿县情况的报道 在这里. 阅读365足彩下载关于通过反养老金激增法的报道 在这里.

代表. 查克•麦迪 亨德森维尔的参议员预测,即将到来的立法会议将“短暂”, 短, 短,他说,参众两院领导人告诉议员们不要提出有争议的立法. 代表麦格雷迪的评论是在天空之地地区委员会的一次会议上发表的. He told the group that budget adjustments 和 addressing any emergency situations would be the focus of the legislative session. 阅读更多关于麦迪的评论 在这里.  
A federal court ruling that two of the state's congressional districts are unconstitutionally drawn continues to raise questions about the effects on the state's primary elections scheduled for March 15. 该州已经要求美国.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to set aside the ruling to allow congressional primaries to be held as scheduled. 下级法院下令立即重新划分选区, 这也提出了召开特别立法会议来解决这个问题的可能性. 罗伯茨没有立即对该州的请求作出裁决, but gave the plaintiffs who are challenging the constitutionality of the districts until Tuesday to respond. 阅读媒体对此案的报道及其对即将到来的初选的潜在影响 在这里在这里.