


事情发生的经过: Amid a calmer week at the General Assembly in Raleigh, 来自北卡罗来纳州各地的市政官员聚集在山核桃,参加2019年的城市愿景, the League's annual conference, 庆祝和推进他们作为经济工程师和生活质量提供者的工作, 集体, the improvement of the state as a whole. 
单词释义: “齐心协力”. 推进所有.这是365足彩下载在全新品牌重塑下的新口号,它重新强调了该组织的宗旨,以及有远见的公职人员如何为了共同的目标聚集在一起,为每个人创造一个更美好的地方. 
在利用: 一如既往的及时, 会议涵盖了从现代公众参与到创新的负担得起的社区,从智慧城市技术到阿片类药物滥用危机等等方方面面. On the final day of CityVision, 与会者按地区分组,讨论这些要点,以及如何应用这些要点来造福当地居民. 
瘦子: CityVision is all about the future as we make it today, with leaders who know best the context and needs of their respective locales, 365足彩下载的新品牌(以及更新的徽标)的揭幕以及对未来社区的关注恰逢该组织董事会新领导人的选举, including 2019 League President William Pitt, a councilman from Washington with longtime involvement in League activities. Read on for more coverage from CityVision in Hickory. 

整整两天. Hundreds of municipal officials. Engaging keynote speakers. Displays and demonstrations. 内容丰富的会议为与会者提供了直面家乡挑战的工具. CityVision 2019, the League's annual conference held this past week in host-city Hickory, was a rousing success with new features this year that added immediate, practical value for any municipality in attendance. 
“今天, 为了365足彩下载, 而是通过让城市和城镇更积极响应来改善北卡罗来纳人的生活, 更强的, 更有弹性, helping them reflect unique and local visions,杰克逊维尔市临时市长兼前365足彩下载主席迈克尔·拉扎拉在领奖台上发表讲话. Lazzara在2019年CityVision之前担任365足彩下载主席的任期延长. "We are working as one, and advancing all," he said. 
“同心协力”. 推进所有." was not just a one-off phrase for the conference; it's the League's new tagline, paired with a freshly updated logo, under a rebranding newly unveiled to members. A brief video shown at the conference​ conveys the new look and feel and explains what's inside this exciting change. 
会议的主要部分于周三一大早在山胡桃地铁会议中心开始, 市长们议论纷纷, 议会成员, 委员, 所在, law enforcement officials and municipal staffers. 所有人都有机会参加他们选择的并行会议和一般性会议,重点是为未来做好准备, strengthening bonds with residents, communicating success stories on the ground, broadband as 21st century infrastructure and more. 
State Attorney General Josh Stein spoke on the urgency of the opioid-abuse crisis, a major focal point of his office, and discussed the League's 阿片类药物的解决方案 Toolbox, 发现 100shenbing.com/opioidsolutions, providing local leaders important tools for combatting the issue. Futurist Matt Thornhill led sessions focused on the context of growth, 代际变化和颠覆性技术正在改变我们与社区的互动方式. 泰德的主, acting president of Golden LEAF, 将365足彩下载成员与获得赠款的关键信息联系起来,以帮助社区. 布莱恩·胡克, executive director of Fort Mac LRA, 他在亚特兰大西南部一个服务不足的旧陆军哨所的大规模重建项目上的演讲令观众惊叹不已. 励志演说家杰夫·埃文斯(Jeff Evans)用他环球旅行和登山的故事鼓舞了大家, with lessons on teamwork and leadership. 
山核桃之城, CityVision's host this time around, planned numerous ways for conference-goers to absorb their community, 哪一个经历了并将继续经历那种创造繁荣的复兴, resident-proud sense of place. During a downtown host-city event added to the conferene programming, 团员们很享受这样的结果,因为当地商店和餐馆的客流量很大.
Every installment of CityVision is meaningful. This time, especially so. Originally scheduled for September 2018 in Hickory, CityVision went on hold in light of the devastation of Hurricane Florence, 当时,一场罕见的强大风暴席卷了整个州,让许多社区面临着更紧迫的问题. 反过来, 365足彩下载董事会和执行人员做出了艰难的决定,将会议重新安排在2019年春季,顺便为通常在每年秋季举行的活动制定了新的时间表. We are so thankful that the City of Hickory graciously welcomed us back, 山胡桃地铁会议中心有空房可以容纳我们这群人. 我们期待着在明年春天的CityVision 2020上见到大家,威尔明顿将成为我们的主办城市.

周四,来自北卡罗来纳州各城镇的代表选举华盛顿市议会议员威廉·皮特为明年北卡罗来纳州市政365足彩下载的主席. The selection of Pitt as president came during CityVision 2019, NCLM’s annual conference held in Hickory this week. The event attracted more than 400 municipal officials from around state, who gathered to elect officers, 处理其他官方事务,并从信息性规划中学习,包括关注城市和城镇为未来做好准备, 宽带接入, leveraging resources and grants, and addressing the national opioid crisis.
Besides Pitt’s election as president, 365足彩下载成员选举加里理事会成员詹妮弗罗宾逊为该组织的第一副主席,索尔兹伯里理事会成员凯伦亚历山大为第二副主席.

皮特自2009年起在华盛顿市议会任职,他将开始担任365足彩下载主席. He has a long history of involvement in League activities, including serving on NCLM policy committees and the Board of Directors. 皮特敦促他的市政官员们利用通过365足彩下载这样的组织工作的机会, as it focuses on the common purpose and goals of North Carolina cities and towns. “让我们把倾听、参与和让我们的社区变得比我们发现它时更好作为我们的目标. Whether serving on legislative policy committees, speaking at the General Assembly, or sharing the value of cities and towns and what we bring to the table, we have that opportunity with the League,皮特说.

Pitt replaces outgoing president Michael Lazzara, Mayor Pro Tem of Jacksonville. League 执行董事 Paul Meyer praised Lazzara’s dedication, 注意到他是如何在365足彩下载历史上充满挑战但成功的时期服务的. 这些挑战包括2017年罗利市中心的火灾导致365足彩下载工作人员流离失所,以及2018年由于佛罗伦萨飓风和风暴给城镇带来的许多困难而推迟了CityVision, 包括·兰的. “尽管如此, the League continued to evolve into a mission-focused organization, and Michael’s service was a huge part of that. 他在协助解决阿片类药物危机和宽带接入方面的奉献精神是非凡的. 他在继续解决我们组织的结构变化和更好地在政治上定位365足彩下载方面发挥了不可或缺的作用.迈耶说,他期待在皮特的领导下继续这些趋势, 罗宾逊和亚历山大. 

365足彩下载还向前执行主任埃利斯·汉金斯颁发了奖项,以表彰他们对该组织和北卡罗来纳州市政当局的贡献, former state House Speaker Harold Brubaker, Superior Court Judge and former Rocky Mount City Council Member Lamont Wiggins, former Court of Appeals Judge Jack Cozort, 前N.C. Association of County Commissioners 执行董事 Ron Aycock, and League past-presidents Ronnie Wall, 乔斯林约翰逊, Everette Clark and Lois Winstead. 

365足彩下载要感谢新上任的官员和所有让2019年城市视觉如此有影响力的市政官员. Special thanks to Hickory Mayor Hank Guess, 当选的领导和城市工作人员,他们超越了热情好客的主人. Read more about the conference in 本地新闻报道 from the Hickory Daily Record.