


事情发生的经过: The Senate's state budget proposal came out, 它还包括对北卡罗来纳州城镇在2019年会议前共同制定的一些立法优先事项的支持.
单词释义: We're thick into some of the session's biggest, hottest moments of debate 和 observation between parties 和 chambers.  看到一个 WRAL新闻报道 打个NBA季后赛的比方.
利用: The Senate approved its plan mostly on partly lines Friday. Because it differs from the specifics of the House version (as is normal), 参众两院可能不得不协商妥协方案(因为众议院不太可能直接同意参议院的修改)。. That final, agreed-upon edition from the legislature would go to Gov. Roy Cooper for consideration -- for another high point of interest. 不像最近几年, Governor Cooper doesn't have a veto-proof majority to contend with in the legislature this time. ​​​​
这是一个有趣的时刻. 州长会要求吗 a Medicaid expansion plan 和 other things​ not in the legislature's budgets) veto whatever the General Assembly approves? And what happens then, in terms of putting a consensus budget in place? 请继续关注.

本月初,众议院 通过了州预算提案. 本周, 参议院也拿出了自己的法案, 有几个不同之处, 比如众议院的版本, also with attention to numerous advocacy goals of​​ cities 和 towns across the state. Among key proposals addressing municipal goals in the Senate's version of HB 966 2019年拨款法案, ​which the chamber approved on Friday, are:
-clarification regarding the application of the sales tax to online sales, 这将确保通过互联网进行的销售的州和地方销售税由卖家收取和汇出;

-the creation 和 funding of a Viable Utility Reserve, 该基金将向地方政府提供赠款,帮助它们评估供水和污水处理基础设施的状况;

——提供灾后恢复资金, including funds to assist local governments with cash flow issues in the wake of natural disasters; 和

-f​​unding for grant programs utilized by local governments, such as the Clean Water 和 Drinking Water state revolving funds, 清洁水管理信托基金, 以及公园及康乐信托基金.
Details on these proposals, along with many others impacting communities around the state, are found in an easy-to-digest, League-prepared document breaking it all down by budget category (such as information technology; transportation; natural 和 economic resources; 和 so on). 
Among statewide items in the Senate plan is a $46.8 million transfer for the Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery Fund, some of which would support grants 和 loans to impacted local governments.
The historic rehabilitation tax credit would be extended by four years to Jan. 1, 2024. (见本刊相关文章.) 
它将在每个财政年度的预算中(非经常性)投入1000万美元用于劳动力住房贷款计划,以帮助多户经济适用房的开发, 和2美元.5 million toward matching grants to nonprofits for the planning 和 construction of affordable housing.
应该是48美元.3 million in Community Development Block Grant money for neighborhood revitalization, 经济发展和基础设施. ​
Specific projects around the state would get $7.5 million in Parks 和 Recreation Trust Fund support.​
Powell Bill funding would be maintained at $147.每年的预算为500万美元.
Commercial airports would get $75 million in support for each year of the biennium.
There's plenty more to inspect, again as made easy by 我们的分项文件
365足彩下载之前发布了一个 众议院预算分析,现在也有一个 比较图 between the governor's budget, the House version 和 the Senate version for your perusal. 参议院星期五上午以30票赞成、16票反对的多数结果通过了这个版本,并将其提交众议院审议. 通常, 不同的预算细节, 参议院将投票不同意,随后将开始特别谈判,以达成一项折衷计划,大会可以将其送到州长办公桌上. 我们感谢所有的州领导人花时间来完成这项艰巨的任务,感谢他们对北卡罗来纳州社区的支持.

众议院财政委员会本周批准了一项单独的立法,将国家历史保护税收抵免延长到2024年, 尽管参议院同意众议院的立场,在预算计划中也包括了四年的延期. 2019年HB 399历史保护法案 was approved quickly by the committee without any dissent following an explanation by primary sponsor 代表. 史蒂夫•罗斯 伯灵顿的. The tax credit – so crucial to local economic development projects – is now scheduled to expire on Jan. 1, 2020. 

HB 399, 以目前的形式, 与众议院和参议院预算中包含的四年延期不同的是,它将有资格获得税收抵免的项目成本上限提高500万美元,并对宣布为灾区的项目增加5%的税收抵免水平. 单独的账单, 虽然, 之所以重要,是因为如果预算法案在可能的州长否决和随后的谈判中陷入困境,它仍将是延期的可行工具. 

Meanwhile, this week a resolution passed jointly by the N.C. 市长协会和N.C. 都市市长365足彩下载, 还有市长们的个别信件, supporting passage of the extension began being delivered to key legislators. 信中感谢立法会议员对延期计划的支持,并包括个别议员所在选区的具体项目资料. 但他们也敦促立法者在必要时通过单独的立法,以避免预算谈判造成的任何延误.

众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔参议院领袖菲尔·伯格 – signed by the chairs of the respective organizations, 格林斯伯勒市长南希·沃恩和富兰克林市长鲍勃·斯科特敦促“最终通过延长税收抵免的法案”, whether in these (budget) bills or separate legislation, 和 that the extension not become caught up in extensive budget negotiations."

一项清除法定障碍、允许电力合作社扩大农村宽带服务的法案现已成为法律. SB 310 Electric Co-Op Rural Broadb和 Services,源自Sens. 哈利布朗, 保罗·牛顿高管迈克Woodard, received the governor's signature on Thursday. “不管他们住在哪里, North Carolinians should be able to depend on high-speed Internet access they need to run businesses, 完成学业并保持联系,“政府. 罗伊·库珀在 一份声明. "I’m glad to sign this bill to make Internet access a priority.“新法律特别允许合作社与私营实体合作推出宽带服务. 这项立法的通过再次表明,更好的宽带服务是立法者和他们的选民在本届立法会议上的一个关键优先事项. 与此同时,谈判仍在继续 HB 431纤维NC法案, 这将实现365足彩下载的一个关键目标,即允许地方政府进入公私合作伙伴关系,以进一步提高宽带接入和可靠性. The League is optimistic that the bill will receive a House committee hearing in coming days. 

立法者下周可能会讨论一项众议院法案,该法案将使北卡罗来纳州的酒类销售和分销系统私有化. HB 971 Modern Licensure Model for Alcohol Control​,从 代表. 查克•麦迪, 目前在众议院酒精饮料控制(ABC)委员会任职,并可能在周二下午的定期会议上接受委员会成员的审查(尽管在撰写本文时尚未将其列入立法机构的日程)。. 该提案将结束州ABC系统,为一个由新的州委员会监督的私有化系统让路. 该法案将废除所有地方ABC董事会,并取消ABC委员会目前的许多相关权力. A联赛分析 has more as it relates to local governments 和 sales regulations. Tuesday's discussion would precede further committee-level stops for the bill, 如果ABC委员会批准的话. 在其他饮料新闻中,州长. 罗伊·库珀周四签署了这项法案 HB 363 Craft Beer Distribution 和 Modernization Act​, 也是来自众议员麦蒂, 在其他事情中,哪一个寻求促进中小型独立精酿啤酒厂的发展. 

Wadesboro和Statesville是最新在我们在这里成长分享他们本地经济发展工作的故事, 这是一项特别的倡议,突出了全州社区层面的胜利,以及它们对北卡罗来纳州经济健康的共同意义. 365足彩下载在此发布了《365体育足彩》 herewegrownc.org, is brought to you 和 shared statewide in partnership with WRAL TechWire. The service is free to League-member cities 和 towns.
在Wadesboro, 这是市政的故事, 县政府和州政府合作,从粘合剂和饰面供应商招聘中获得大笔私人投资和就业机会. "We felt we had an available building that was a good fit, but knew it was very competitive across two states. 我们绝对需要安森县和沃德斯伯勒镇站出来帮助我们完成交易,他们做到了," Anson Economic Development Partnership 执行董事 John Marek said.
斯泰茨维尔也讲述了一个故事 of regional cooperation, resulting in business expansions at Statesville Business Park. The latest is Florida-based Cheney Brothers, which celebrated an expansion to its food distribution center there with 100 new jobs created. 切尼发展主任沃伦·纽维尔说,当地领导人和社区成员都很热情. "Once we connected with the local community, 我们说, 让我们把钱花在这里,在这里扩张,’”纽厄尔说, as 报道了 斯泰茨维尔唱片 & 具有里程碑意义的报纸.
沃兹伯勒和斯泰茨维尔等北卡罗莱纳州的城市告诉我们,他们是如何在国内实现经济发展的. We know your municipality has a story to tell, too. 发送电子邮件至 about@herewegrownc.org if you have not yet obtained login ​​credentials for the site. 我们在这里成长 is free, easy to use 和 delivers great impact to the economic development narrative. 浏览网站, herewegrownc.org,今天去寻找灵感.