


事情发生的经过: 在宣布了将在今年秋天提交给选民的宪法修正案问题的简短说明后,大会在罗利召开了一次额外会议.
单词释义: 支持六项拟议修正案的立法领导人表示,他们担心负责撰写标题的国家委员会将使这一过程政治化或倾斜, potentially hurting the amendments' chances of approval.
利用: The proclamation for the extra session didn't limit what lawmakers might address, and a few bills on other topics have emerged. The extra session continues as of this writing. 
瘦子: It's believed to be a quick round of business, but we'll know more next week on how this session will wrap up.

大会 gaveled back to action on Tuesday. 参众两院领导人已经从议员那里收集了足够的签名——在参众两院获得了五分之三的多数, 没有州长的公告,就会批准官方的说法 the First Extra Session of 2018. 其核心是 concern from legislative leaders 关于今年秋天的中期投票中,选民将如何看待六个宪法修正案问题. 主题: right to hunt and fish​; more 受害者的权利 在法律程序中; changes to the state board that deals with elections and ethics enforcement; 司法职位空缺; a new maximum income tax rate; and a photo ID requirement for voting​. 虽然立法机关在今年早些时候的短暂会议上批准了投票问题, 一个名为宪法修正案出版委员会的国家机构负责为这些问题撰写简短的标题. House Speaker Tim Moore's office on Monday 发表声明 他表示担心,对拟议修正案的反对正在“助长对委员会的政治影响”, and that could affect how voters perceive the proposals. “大会已经批准了宪法修正案的简短标题,这些标题准确地描述了它们的影响,必须防止外界试图将委员会本应迅速而直接的行政程序政治化,演讲者摩尔说. Two of the commission's three members are Democratic elected officials. 
大会 swiftly approved legislation 星期二到地点 only the phrase "Constitutional Amendment" on the ballot before each question to voters. It awaits a signature from 政府. 罗伊•库珀, who has a total of 10 days to decide whether he'll indeed sign it, let it become law without his signature or issue a veto. The legislature has the power to override vetoes. Additional bills have surfaced in this extra session, including 参议院议案 现在是州长在处理选票上党派归属的问题 in this year's judicial races. House and Senate members have also filed adjournment resolutions​

Get ready for CityVision 2018, the League's premier annual event! 参加我们为期两天的主题演讲和信息丰富的会议,这些会议将为您提供应对家乡挑战所需的工具. 今年, CityVision将在每次大会后提供圆桌讨论,以解决共同面临的挑战, 与区域合作伙伴建立联系,并参与便利的讨论,以获得可以立即使用的实用信息.
CityVision 2018 will be in Hickory 并为全州各地的市政官员提供了深入研究宽带和技术等问题的最佳机会, 基础设施, branding your municipality and, 最重要的是, grants -- finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow. 
年会也是会员选举官员和修改宪法或章程的地方. 我们鼓励您与来自全州的市政官员一起参加2018年城市视觉! 不要错过这个机会,为北卡罗来纳州所有城镇面临的挑战做好准备. Pre-registration ends Friday, Aug. 24, so register early​​ to avoid increased walk-in registration fees.

The deadline to submit proposals for 2018-19 365体育足彩 Goals is Aug. 1. Discuss ideas with your municipal elected officials and staff, and 点击这里​ to submit your ideas for advocacy goals. 每两年一次, 你们——北卡罗来纳州的城镇——为即将到来的立法两年期制定立法和监管目标. These goals serve as the guide to the League's advocacy efforts here in Raleigh. 不仅如此, 它们是北卡罗来纳州市政当局优先事项的集体声明, 大与小, 城市, 郊区和农村. 制定市政倡导目标的过程是每个市政当局在告诉州立法者和其他州决策者什么对他们来说是重要的方面有发言权的机会.

The advocacy goals also propel us towards two of the 2030年愿景 Operating Principles: (1) municipal governments exercise greater control of their revenues, structures and functions, (2)市政府与其他各级政府和私营部门建立富有成效的伙伴关系.
立法 and regulatory goals should include a clear ask, and should have an impact on municipal governments statewide. According to League bylaws, 你必须在你的目标提案上注明它是否得到了当地议会或董事会的投票和批准. Proposals will be considered by NCLM policy committees, the NCLM Board of Directors, and the entire membership during the 365体育足彩 Goals Conference. The League may also request that you visit one of our 政策委员会进一步解释你建议的目标,作为目标选择过程的一部分.
这是你们的政策制定过程,请大家认真考虑并参与其中. Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your proposals by Aug. 1.

政府. 罗伊·库珀的 latest round of board appointments includes local government experience. 州长库珀任命桑福德市议会成员和临时市长丽贝卡·怀霍夫·萨尔蒙加入联合国.C. Oil and Gas Commission and Nags Head Council Member Renee Cahoon to the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission. 州长还任命纽波特镇经理安吉拉·克里斯蒂安和威尔克斯伯勒公用事业主管塞缪尔·卡尔为N.C. Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board. The governor's office additionally this week announced 一个新的web门户 for applying to state boards and commissions. 

A 全新的一集 of 市政方程 is ready for your ears. 设定:现在是夏天, 和沿海的海滩小镇都挤满了来自美国各地的成千上万的游客.S. 以新泽西州的大西洋海滩为例.C.例如:. It has a year-round population of about 1,500, but in the summer months that number explodes exponentially. 这样一个人手和资源有限的小社区究竟该如何做好准备呢? 在巨大的需求下,它如何提供足够的服务,比如警察,甚至足够的公共用水? 当有人打电话给当局报告有神秘物质冲上岸时,该怎么办? 你知道吗,那里有人的工作就是确保海滩仍然对游客开放? 是的,真的. 令人惊讶的是,这一切是如何结合在一起的,尽管普通大众并不总是意识到这一点. 让我们回想一下那个经典的暑假,在这期市政方程的特别节目中,我们听取了专家小组的意见, recorded with a live audience in Atlantic Beach. With international listenership, 市政方程 365足彩下载自己的播客是关于城市和城镇在面对变化时的适应吗. Send feedback, thoughts or episode ideas to host/producer 本•布朗

Thirty-four local governments in North Carolina will benefit from $100.4 million in grants and loans for drinking water and wastewater projects. 国家水利基础设施管理局周二宣布,在收到的1.76亿美元申请中,该基金获得了批准. “With North Carolina’s extensive water 基础设施 needs, 重要的是向公用事业公司提供项目,使水利基础设施投资尽可能负担得起,——金·科尔森, 国家环境质量部水利基础设施部门主任, 中说 a press release with details​ about this round of funding and the next. 报告还指出,北卡罗莱纳州20年的基础设施总需求估计为:饮用水系统需要150亿美元,110亿美元.1 billion for wastewater systems.