


Tuesday was Election Day for many municipalities across North Carolina, with League member cities 和 towns electing mayors 和 board members to lead their respective governments. 祝贺所有周二的获奖者, 和 thank you to all who ran 和 demonstrated their desire to make their communities better. 星期二所有选举的全部结果可以在网站上找到 国家选举委员会网站. Various news accounts on races from around the state follow in the links below. 









Voters in five North Carolina municipalities overwhelmingly approved bond issues that will allow local investments in utility infrastructure, 交通和公园. 教堂山分校, 顶点, Fuquay-Varina, Greenville 和 Bald Head Isl和 approved bond proposals during Tuesday's election. 在每种情况下, 超过70%的选民支持债券计划, demonstrating residents' faith in municipal government 和 the investments these communities see as key to keeping their communities economically vital.

在教堂山,选民支持40美元.300万美元的债券在5个不同的投票问题上. 格林维尔选民批准了1600万美元的债券, 其中大部分资金用于改善街道.  的 bond proposals approved in 顶点 和 Fuquay-Varina were also focused on transportation, with a portion in Fuquay-Varina designated for water 和 sewer line extensions. Bald Head Isl和 residents agreed to back a bond proposal to build a broadb和 network. 阅读媒体对债券公投的报道 在这里.

N.C. 水利部(DWR) is hosting an informational meeting for local governments that currently implement a state riparian buffer program to answer questions regarding the buffer reform provisions of HB 44 /秒.L. 2015-246地方政府监管改革2015. 的 new law placed limitations on a local government’s ability to have riparian buffer requirements exceeding those which are necessary to comply with other state 和 federal requirements. 会议定于11月10日(星期二)上午10时举行.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Ground Floor Hearing Room of the Archdale Building (Raleigh, NC). DWR has asked that local governments limit their in-person attendance to two staff members 和 the agency can provide webinar access. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

Former 6th District Congressman 霍华德平底渔船 died on Tuesday after battling skin cancer for more than a decade. 享年84岁. 国会议员科布尔曾在美国国会任职.S. House for more than 30 years 和 was known for his down-to-earth demeanor, 强调组成服务, 和 practicing what he preached when it came to fiscal conservatism. 他拒绝接受国会的退休金.

365足彩下载向议员的家人表示哀悼. 阅读更多关于国会议员科布尔的生平和死亡 在这里 和 在这里

长期的森. 夏洛特郊区马修斯的鲍勃·鲁乔说, who has been a key author of recent tax changes adopted by the General Assembly, is the latest North Carolina legislator to announce that he will not seek another term. 参议员鲁乔加入了州众议员. Rick Caitlin this week among the growing list of state lawmakers who have announced that they will be leaving the legislature after 2016. 在宣布这一消息时,麦凯恩. Rucho said that he had achieved or put into motion everything that he had wanted to achieve at the General Assembly. He added that he also plans to move to a smaller town 和 has put his Matthews home on the market. 代表. Caitlin cited work dem和s at his Wilmington engineer firm as his reason for deciding to step away from the General Assembly.

与此同时,长期担任众议员的. Paul Luebke of Durham says that he will seek re-election despite undergoing treatment for lymphoma. 代表resentative Luebke said that his prognosis is good 和 that doctors expect him to be fully recovered by the spring. 的 League thanks Senator Rucho 和 代表resentative Caitlin for their service 和 wishes them well in future endeavors, 并祝愿吕贝克众议员早日康复.

A federal judge has ruled that a group of Greensboro residents will be allowed to defend a law approved earlier this year that shifts Greensboro City Council districts 和 makes other changes to that city's governance structure. 的 city 和 another group of residents sued to stop the law, 和 U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles has issued an injunction to stop it from taking effect. 该诉讼预计将于明年初开庭审理.

Judge Eagles most recently ruled that a group of residents that includes former state 代表. 厄尔琼斯, 前吉尔福德县长梅尔文·"斯基普"·奥尔斯顿, 和 former Greensboro City Councilman Jim Kee can intervene in the case to defend the law. 阿尔斯通, 曾经领导过全国有色人种协进会的人, contends the new districts will result in better representation for African-Americans, 但州和地方NAACP分支机构反对该计划. 阅读媒体报道 在这里.

Congress is moving closer to passage of a long-term highway funding bill after the U.S. House on Thursday passed a measure that calls for $325 billion in spending through 2021. 参议院在7月通过了一项类似的计划, the two chambers are expected to work out their differences 和 pass a final bill in coming weeks.

的 prospect of a long-term federal transportation funding bill should prove beneficial to state 和 local governments after Congress had spent the last decade passing short-term funding extensions for highways. Those short-term extensions caused difficulties for state 和 local governments when it came to transportation planning. Critics of the latest plan say that it still keeps transportation funding flat, that Congress only provides enough money for the first three years 和 that some of the money is based on funding gimmicks that will not work. 阅读媒体对众议院通过该计划的报道 在这里在这里